Project and program evaluation
CORDAP will support scientific projects, selected through global, targeted calls for proposals and reviewed by independent experts. CORDAP’s selection process will follow best-practice, streamlined procedures for project preparation and selection.
CORDAP’s strategic plan for 2022-25 focuses on the most pressing investment needs for directing the program over its first three years of operation. To maximize innovation and diversity of thinking, CORDAP’s calls for proposals will be open to all submissions within
our scope and investment criteria. Each call for proposals will have a theme or recommended areas of R&D set by the SAC. Prior to each call, the SAC will use a range of methods to identify these areas, including:
> SAC member’s knowledge and expertise
> Guidance from outside experts
> Reviews of R&D already being funded by CORDAP
> Systems assessments that fill gaps around interventions and associated technologies, methods and processes already being funded
> Input from those investing in or deploying methods or other R&D programs
This mix of novel innovation driving new ideas and systems thinking to identify gaps will strengthen our impact, enabling us to guide investments where they are needed and to make ideas operational.
Your contribution can fast-track research and development solutions to save the corals.
Images: © Morgan Bennett-Smith