What we do

The current approaches to coral conservation research and practice are not sufficient.

Projects have been relatively small and siloed, and many gaps and issues remain, both in the short and long term.

CORDAP will bring together the best minds worldwide, in a transdisciplinary approach, to accelerate international research and development in an effort to conserve and to supply the technologies and innovations required to secure a future for tropical coral reefs and cold-water corals.


A new


Unique in its time-sensitive mission, CORDAP will support, complement, and scale up existing and new initiatives working on coral reef conservation, resilience, adaptation, and restoration.

Our main priorities

Further develop and enhance R&D solutions currently being explored for coral reefs and cold-water coral protection, restoration, and adaptation.

Develop new R&D solutions for coral reef and cold-water coral protection, restoration, and adaptation.

Move potential solutions from concept to proof of concept, and from pilot scale to ready for deployment.

Develop protection, restoration, and adaptation solutions that can be deployed across the full socioeconomic spectrum and associated stakeholders, aided by a decision support system.

Partner with local stakeholders to adapt and deploy existing R&D tools and approaches to protect, restore, and adapt corals and coral reefs to local conditions.

How CORDAP will support scientific projects

CORDAP will support scientific projects, selected through global, targeted calls for proposals and reviewed by CORDAP’s Scientific and Advisory Committee (SAC). CORDAP’s selection process will follow best-practice, streamlined procedures for project preparation and selection.


Possingham HP et al.,2015, Optimal Conservation Outcomes Require Both Restoration and Protection. PLOS Biology, Public Library of Science; 2015;13: e1002052. pmid:25625277. [Paper]

Lisa Boström-Einarsson et al., 2020, Coral restoration – A systematic review of current methods, successes, failures and future directions, ********PLOS ONE. [Paper]

News & Events

CORDAP at Monaco Ocean Week

CORDAP at Monaco Ocean Week

At the occasion of the Monaco Ocean Week, ICRI, in collaboration with CORDAP, the UN Global Fund for Coral Reefs, and the UN High-Level Climate Champions, will showcase solutions to implement the Coral Reef Breakthrough at the event "Implementing the Coral Reef...

E1 and CORDAP are joining forces #ForCoral

E1 and CORDAP are collaborating to raise awareness and help deliver innovative science and technology to save corals Over two-thirds of the world's reefs have already been lost due to human activity, and the remaining 70-90 percent of global coral reefs may...

Your contribution can fast-track research and development solutions to save the corals.

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