
CORDAP R&D Technology Roadmap for Understanding Natural Adaptation and Assisted Evolution of Corals to Climate Change


Dr Line K. Bay, Dr Juan C. Ortiz, Prof. Cynthia Riginos, Prof. Iliana B. Baums, Mr Hugo Scharfenstein, Prof. Manuel Aranda, Assoc. Prof. Raquel Peixoto, Dr Amanda C. Niehaus, Dr Agnès Le Port

Contributing authors:

Prof. Madeleine van Oppen, Prof. Christian R. Voolstra, Prof. Andrew C. Baker, Dr Carly D. Kenkel, Assoc. Prof. J. David Aguirre, Dr James R. Guest, Assoc. Prof. Jesse R. Lasky, Prof. Andrew P. Hendry, Dr Verena Schoepf, Prof. Thorsten B.H. Reusch, Prof. Michael J. Angilletta, Jr, Assoc. Prof. Ranjeet Bhagooli, Dr Sebastian Schmidt-Roach, Prof. David J. Suggett, Prof. Alastair J. Wilson, Dr Maram M. Abadi, Dr Tries Razak, Dr Maria Vanessa Baria-Rodriguez, Prof. Carlos M. Duarte, Mr. David Mead, Prof. Stephen Palumbi


11 September 2023

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