CORDAP Funding Award
Coral Local Innovation Program (CLIP)
The devastating global coral bleaching event from the past two years – and ongoing – reminds us of the urgency to develop the tools to save corals worldwide. With 2024 declared the warmest year on record—1.55°C above pre-industrial levels—the stakes for coral conservation have never been higher. The window of opportunity for saving these vital ecosystems is closing rapidly, and innovative technical solutions, along with large-scale interventions, are urgently needed.
To address this challenge, the G20 Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) has launched the Coral Local Innovation Program (CLIP)—a new funding opportunity exclusively for researchers from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)[1]. The program offers a total of USD 1.5 million in research, with a maximum of USD 100,000 per proposal.
[1] as classified by the OECD.
Open Now: Coral Local Innovation Program (CLIP) 2025
The Coral Local Innovation Program (CLIP) is a Small Grants Program from CORDAP that aims to support innovative research and development (R&D) projects that address local, affordable solutions to coral conservation and restoration challenges in developing countries. These projects are expected to have the potential for scalability and replication in other contexts. The program also places a strong emphasis on capacity development in developing nations.
This call was specifically designed to fund researchers and teams from LMICs, but supporting partners and collaborators can be from non-LMIC nations. Importantly, the panel of reviewers of this call is composed entirely of coral experts from developing nations.
Funding amount: Up to USD 100 000 per project, for 1–2 years.
Applicants: Researchers based in LMICs, but unfunded co-applicants may be based in non-LMICs.
Collaboration: Partnerships are encouraged but not required. Single-applicant proposals are eligible. Multi-country LMIC collaborations are welcome.
Eligible Organizations: Not-for-profits, for-profits, higher education institutions, research institutes, and government organizations. Organizations must be legally eligible to receive international funding and provide evidence of existence through at least two years of annual reports.
The deadline for Concept Note submissions is April 18, 2025, at 17:00 UTC. To assist applicants, we will host a Q&A webinar on March 18 at 12:00 UTC.
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Your contribution can fast-track research and development solutions to save the corals.
Image: Qui Nguyen