News & Events

CORDAP will offer USD1.5 million in research grants

CORDAP will offer USD1.5 million in research grants

CORDAP announces the launch of a new funding program, the Coral Local Innovation Program (CLIP). With a total of USD1.5 million allocated to the call, CORDAP aims to support researchers working on finding local, affordable coral conservation and restoration solutions in developing countries.

CORDAP releases roadmap on the ecological risks of coral reef interventions

CORDAP releases roadmap on the ecological risks of coral reef interventions

Any intervention done to help coral reefs may pose some unintended risks to the local environment. As part of responsible innovation, CORDAP has released a detailed roadmap aimed at supporting practitioners in evaluating those risks and determining whether the risks and benefits of intervening outweigh the threats posed by inaction.

Your contribution can fast-track research and development solutions to save the corals.