CORDAP scientific and advisory committee
December 19, 2021

CORDAP Scientific and Advisory Committee

The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) Initiative Governing Committee (IGC) has established a Scientific and Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC comprises renowned international coral scientists, managers, and engineers, assists the IGC by providing guidance and recommendations on CORDAP’s overall strategy, funding program priorities, resource allocation, and deliverables.

The SAC monitors project performance, reviews the results of the overall platform program, and delivers its evaluation and recommendations to the IGC.

The SAC members will start developing the platform’s strategic plan. Following approval by the Initiative Governing Committee (IGC), the SAC membership is comprised of the following individuals:

Prof. Anastazia Banaszak, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico (Vice-Chair)

Prof. Callum Roberts, University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Prof. Carlos M. Duarte, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Dr. Daniel Lauretta, CONICET, Argentina

Mr. David Mead, AIMS and RRAP, Australia (Chair)

Prof. David Obura, CORDIO, Kenya

Dr. Elizabeth McLeod, The Nature Conservancy, USA

Dr. Hiroya Yamano, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Dr. Ian McLeod, James Cook University and AIMS, Australia

Dr. Joanie Kleypas, NCAR, USA

Dr. Mark Gibbs, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Assoc. Prof. Michelle Devlin, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom

Dr. Muhammad Abrar, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Nur Eda Topcu Eryalcin, Istanbul University, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Raquel Peixoto, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Dr. Sean Porter, South African Association for Marine Biological Research, South Africa

Prof. Serge Planes, CRIOBE, French Polynesia, France

Dr. Tali Vardi, NOAA Fisheries Office of Science & Technology Coral Restoration Consortium, USA

Learn more about CORDAP’s Scientific and Advisory Committee.

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