AI and robotics advance coral conservation

AI and robotics advance coral conservation

Project title: Empowering Community-Led Coral Reef Restoration and Prioritization in the Maldives Project lead: Prof. Peter Harrison Co-applicants: Aya Naseem, Hana Amir, Nizam Ibrahim, Dr. Christopher Doropoulos, Prof. Cynthia Riginos, Prof. Mark Gibbs, Prof. Matthew...
ReefSeed – a portable aquaculture system

ReefSeed – a portable aquaculture system

Project title: ReefSeed – a portable aquaculture system for rapid and up-scaled production and deployment of corals for reef restoration Project lead: Andrea Severati Co-applicants: Dr. Muhammad Azmi Abdul Wahab, Dr. Carly Randall, Hassan Shakeel, Dr. Christopher...
Using probiotics to fight a lethal coral disease

Using probiotics to fight a lethal coral disease

Project title: Fighting coral diseases with probiotics in the Caribbean region Project lead: Dr. Valeria Pizarro Co-applicants: Maria Fernanda Maya, Blake Ushijima, Nacor Bolaños, Dr. Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn, Dr. Elvira Alvarado Countries involved: United States of...
ASSIST: a smart-decision framework for coral restoration

ASSIST: a smart-decision framework for coral restoration

Project title: A smart-decision framework for coral restoration (ASSIST) – harnessing resilience for restoration Project lead:  Sebastian Szereday Co-applicants: Prof. Christian R. Voolstra, Dr. Joseph Henry Countries involved: Malaysia, Germany, United States of...